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The Choice is Yours [short story sample]

Writer's picture: angeladefrostangeladefrost


Those who have known Belle since she was little, knew that her weird obsession with science began right there. Belle was a bright kid… one of those that parents don’t need to worry about because they always bring good grades home. It was Belle herself that scolded herself for ever getting B, not her parents. Her parents tried to teach her it was okay to not be on top of the world every waking moment. However, that’s all Belle ever wanted: to be the best.

She has learned quickly she cannot be best in every single thing, so she found what she liked the most: science. And seeing her so devoted to a subject, and still getting good grades from others, her parents were pleased. They felt they did a great job at parenting, but in reality… they let that obsession begin, and that obsession would eventually dictate Belle’s fate.

Belle Wilson was a daughter of a mathematician with too many achievements, and an actress too popular to go out without a worry. Of course, her father encouraged her science studies and gave her everything she could need to learn more than an average teen. Her mother worked on another task: to teach Belle how a woman should act, look, and speak.

It wasn’t something Belle found necessary at all, but she knew it made her mother happy, and she did as asked. Within a short time, it has become completely natural for Belle to wear make-up, dress not just appropriately, but in a way that showcased her strong points, and to be agreeable, a little shy at times, but always smiling and a sweet young woman. She reached perfection at this, and nobody would ever notice that it was behavior she was taught, rather than her real personality.

She would be very social, sweet, and kind, even if all she wanted was to work on her projects in her bedroom.

And that Belle Wilson - not just smart and hard-working, but sweet and beautiful - went to university to capture Matthew Smith’s heart. They both were studying biotechnology, and they bonded over their love for science. Even if Matthew wasn’t as obsessed with it as Belle was, he definitely followed her lead, just to get a chance to be close to her. And for Belle, another soul so close to science was fate’s sign that he was the one.

Of course, Belle graduated with honors. Matthew didn’t have the top grade, but a decent one; they both would be able to get good jobs in the industry, and they were excited for their life together.

~ 1 ~

The first couple years of their marriage Matthew had been a happy man: they both were working hard on their careers and it seemed they were the most compatible couple he had ever heard of. Surely, Belle took a lot of overtime, but so did he; he imagined this would stop once they both were satisfied with their career. Once they achieve something great, and then, they focus on other things…

What Matthew didn’t realize was the fact that Belle couldn’t be satisfied. From her early years achieving one goal only made her yearn for more. It seemed like a neverending climb for her, and she never stopped even for a moment. So the moment Matthew was happy with his career and wanted to start the family was the first big crack in their relationship…

From a peaceful, happy marriage they became a couple that argues over the simplest things. Belle was upset with Matthew settling down for a job he had - even if it was a rather lucrative position - while she was aiming higher and higher. She kept bringing up phrases like ‘change the world’ when Matthew felt his years of hard work in the industry already helped the world. He was part of creating vaccines and medicines, he did quality work for them, and now he was one of the directors in the biomedical corporation.

But Belle, she still felt they could do so much more for the world, and she never stopped pushing him to do more.

~ 2 ~

Another ten years passed by and somehow, Belle and Matthew remained together despite constant misunderstandings. Matthew kept pushing Belle to stability, family, a home… while she pushed Matthew to quit his job and aspire for something greater. It became a routine almost, just like reading a newspaper on a Sunday morning.

"Ah, perfect, they delivered the latest journal!" - Belle said excitedly, as she did every Sunday. The scientific journal was her little ritual, and she always ordered two, but Matthew never read his.

It was the journals that gave Belle all the information she needed, and they were often informed of studies she would never find on her own. Her interests developed and branched out as she learned of all those things from the journals, making her feel like she will never learn everything. But she could still attempt to, and that’s definitely what she was doing.

It was the journals that taught her about cloning and hybrid creation, and how far humanity managed in those fields. Matthew called it ‘playing God’ but for Belle, people were just trying to fix this broken world.

Picking the journal almost religiously, she returned to the table in the kitchen. Matthew was watching the news as he had his coffee and a toast. Belle herself only drank coffee in the mornings.

"Come on, let’s see what they wrote this week!" - Belle almost squealed as she joined Matthew by the table. She ignored her coffee and began to leaf through the journal, looking for something that would catch her eye.

"Why should I bother? You’re going to tell me all the interesting bits anyway."

"Ugh, so you actually read and learn? You should be more ambitious, Matthew…"

"Yeah, I hear that every single -"

"Oh, wow! Looks like they actually succeeded to make a proper AI that learns and makes choices of their own! I studied that last year… that extra course at the University. It’s not easy to make it work, and yet, they did!"

"Yeah, that was to be expected. Next thing we know the robots start a war on us, like in those movies."

Belle gave him a disapproving glare.

"Scientists are going to make this world a better place."

"They are, as long as they are careful. That’s why I work for the company I do… We make sure those new creations are well tested. I am sure the AI should go through strict testing as well. It’s new territory, and we need to make sure that we are not hurting anyone."

"You’re exaggerating…"

"Belle -"


"Jesus, you’re loud, woman! What made you yell like that!?"

"They are looking for scientists to join them… help with the testing!"

"God… "- Matthew sighed deeply knowing where this was leading. - "Belle, it really is the time for us…"

"We should apply, Matthew. I am sure we will pass for --"

"You should let younger people apply."

"Younger!? What the hell are you talking about? I am going to change the world! With, or without you."

"What? Belle, can we talk this decision over?"

"It’s my life, and my decision. It’s nothing we should talk over."

"Our life, Belle ! Why do you treat everything as yours only?!"

"You don’t get it."

" have a PhD, you came up with a wonderful chemical solution for the AIs. We are earning more than enough. You saved the world already, and so did I. We changed it for the better. Now it’s time to settle down while we still can… "

"I don’t care if you don’t want to go. I am going there… The laboratory in Japan. That’s a lovely country, isn’t it?"

"Japan…? You will be so far away… "

"You can apply as well, Matthew."

"I will not apply, and we should talk about you moving to the other end of the world --"

"It is MY decision. MY and nobody’s else!"

"Your decision will destroy our marriage."

"You would never divorce me, Matt."

Those were Belle’s last words that fateful Sunday morning. She left for her office and stayed there for the whole day, avoiding Matthew. The next few days repeated that even if Matthew tried to talk with her, apologize even, and figure out a way to make her stay at home. But Belle wasn’t having it. She was obsessed with this new project, and the moment she was accepted, she instantly signed all the paperwork.

~ 3 ~

Matthew asked, begged, and threatened but he didn’t get through to Belle. She followed her new dream all the way to Japan even though Matthew didn’t apply. They were far away from each other now, and Matthew himself felt lost. They were ways to communicate, of course, but nothing is as good as having your love right next to you…

Belle put her whole heart into this new endeavor. She joined the group in Tokyo, in one of the biggest laboratories Hapa Corp had. She was excited beyond belief, and took in all that Hapa Corp had to tell her without restraint.

Of course, confidentiality was a key. But there were other things that made some people question the whole project. Hapa Corp believed science is what helps people; science makes life better for people. It was obvious there were no morals most people would have… as long as it would benefit the society, Hapa would strive for it. Even if it meant playing God sometimes.

"Are you hearing what they are saying?" - Matthew asked in a hushed voice during some phone call. Belle told him a few details, hoping to convince him to apply as well. A lot of people left due to the questionable morality, and she was hoping Matthew would reconsider his earlier decision.

"What are you talking about, Matt? Those things are amazing! We’re making --"

"You’re playing god, you know I hate scientists like that."

"Matt… We’re trying to make an AI that would act like a scientist itself! Don’t you think it’s amazing!?"

"And have you found out how to program morals into the machine yet?"

Belle let out a long, tired sigh.

"That’s not the most important part of being a scientist."

"I would argue it is." - Matthew retorted. - "Without those morals you will make selfish and painful decisions. You’re about to Belle."

"What!? No!" - Belle coughed as she realized how loud she yelled. - "I take it you’re not coming to work here."

"No chance in hell or heaven". - Matt rubbed his temples, wondering what happened to his lovely wife. - "Come home. There’s laboratories here too, you can -"

"No, Matt. You can choose for yourself, but not for me."

"Stop treating this as your life only! We’re a - !'

"But it is my life. Goodbye!"

"Belle !"

With such devotion to the project, Belle soon became Hapa’s favorite scientist. She has also got up the ladder quickly, given how often people left the company. Hapa and their push for the change, as well as no morals pushed people away. But so did Belle’s attitude where she trusted the company without ever questioning their actions. She loved it there, and people who didn’t share her viewpoint did not enjoy the way she spoke about the project, company, etc. It was too obvious just how she saw the world, and how obsessed she was becoming with this project…

But an obsessed, ready for overtime and not caring much for pay (as long as she could survive) was a perfect employee for any corporation. And so, within just one year, Belle was the top scientist, about to lead the whole team of scientists.

That year was heavily focused on working on AI, making sure it can learn, came to conclusions, and work not just as a human - but as a scientist. The logical thinking, research, and all those elements were the most important part of the whole project. Belle was of course very busy during that year and was the reason the work came so far in such a short period of time. Surely they had the base to work off, but from AI human to AI scientist, there was a very long road.

It was Belle that created the best chemical mixtures for the project, but she also taught the new people all she knew. She felt like the most important part of the team, and it definitely was part of why she loved this project so much. People around her could notice it, but nobody minded it as often she did everyone’s job… Even if she yelled at them afterward, they knew she wouldn’t let anything fail so they could take it easy.

But once Belle got the leadership she was proud of, things have changed. She was a leader now, and she drilled people to work hard more than any other person before her. Now, people left not because of morals, but the mental and physical strain Belle put on them.

Even then, the company didn’t reprimand her as she brought incredible results. And even when the team was smaller, she somehow managed to work for multiple people… she was a work machine, pushing her whole being into work. Another whole year of non-stop work on the project and first successful model of AI scientist was complete. Belle personally called it Matt.

She barely contacted Matthew, but she still felt the love she felt before. In her mind, nothing has changed, and she was oblivious to her own obsession. Even if Matthew tried to show her that in the few calls they shared.

Just one day after the success Belle achieved she got heart-breaking news in the mail. It was about two weeks since she talked with her husband, and now she was getting divorce papers in the mail. No way she would have ever guessed this was something that would happen. She was devastated, but didn’t try to fight the motion… She felt Matthew didn’t want her anymore, and while hurtful, she didn’t plan on holding him back. She signed the papers and threw herself even into more work. The AI was ready and seemed to work well, but there were years of testing ahead of her before the public could even hear about this achievement…

~ 4 ~

Belle spent multiple years teaching Matt how to be a scientist. And with every day he was getting smarter and better at what she taught him. With the AI looking and acting like a human, it was very easy to get close to him. He was portrayed as a tall, young man… Japanese, given that’s where they worked. He was kind but questioned many things, and nobody bothered to program too many morals into him. However, he still bonded with Belle. She was the one he would always see while other scientists would come and go. From both him and Belle, this became an actual relationship, a mother and son sort of thing.

Belle pushed Matt to perfection, afraid Hapa will take away her “child” if he doesn’t perform well. But Matt did as expected and she always praised him for a job well done. And even though she hoped this moment of teaching would never end, well, the day has come.

She listened carefully to Hapa’s request and was a bit shocked at just how serious of a task they give the young scientist.

"I am not sure if -- I mean, maybe we should start from something easier?" - Belle suggested, afraid a wrong word will mean the termination of Matt’s life.

"The AI did some simple experiments, didn’t it?"

"Yes, that’s true, but…"

"Then the hybrid shouldn’t be too much."

"But, it’s not just creating a hybrid that others have. It’s such a… confusing and challenging combination!" - Belle was scared. She wasn’t sure if Matt could do it, and what was his fate if he failed the corporation. They didn’t care for him the way she did.

"Mrs. Belle." - The CEO's voice was stern. - "That’s the whole point. AI needs to achieve something extraordinary during the reveal, otherwise people will want us to trash him."

"People are stupid. "- another man spoke. -" AI needs to earn the right to be part of this world. That’s the only way."

"I-I understand." - Belle said in a defeated voice. -"I’ll… set things up."

"Perfect. I want the process recorded, from the very beginning, everything! So we can showcase it later on."

"Of course…"

Belle couldn’t say a no to Hapa. She was always so agreeable with them, that whenever she seemed not on board with their plans, they instantly shut her down. So now she needs to break it down to Matt, that he has to make a hybrid of wolf and waran komodo and that there is no space for failure.


"I won’t fail you, Belle." - Mat’s cheerful and confident voice warmed Belle’s heart.

"You would never. It is the company that expects perfection, not me."

"Didn’t you always say that we should strive for perfection?"

"That I did, but we sometimes make mistakes… and we should accept them."


"But Hapa won’t. So, what we are going to do is that you will perform a hybrid that has been done before as a test: a lion and a tiger one. You will learn on this example what is important and how we need to research the wolf and waran komodo before we can attempt the process."

"I will do as you say, Belle. I am sure you know best."

Belle reached out to hold Matt’s hand.

"We begin tomorrow. I hope you’ll be ready."

"Born ready."

Matt’s wide smile reassured the lonely scientist.

~ 5 ~

It has been a couple of hard months for Belle and Matt. With this specific project, Matt wanted to work with her only and that’s what happened. She looked over his work but couldn’t interfere much, although she could answer his questions. At least during the test-hybrid making.

About half a year later it was done, and a mix of lion and tiger was healthy and growing to be quite a strong specimen. Of course, this was a process during which Matt asked plenty of questions, and Belle feared how it would be when he can’t ask her for help.

Of course, the moment the CEO saw the result he demanded Matt to do the final task: research and the process of creating a wolf and waran komodo hybrid. Belle didn’t even try to buy him more time, she was aware that would just not work. So she agreed, praying to all gods she knew that things would go well.

The research was supposed to be a calm period, but it wasn’t due to the fact that Matt was pushed by the corporation to work faster. He was given barely three months, but Belle saw his results were good. He had a fair idea how to progress, what the results could be and he was ready to perform the experiment.

Hapa brought them the specimens, and Matt had a chance to order around a small team, to do the labor work. Collect the semen and prepare the specimens that were to get pregnant with the hybrid. Matt himself produced the right chemicals the specimens had to take in order to be able to create the offspring.

It all went well, and all the specimens were pregnant. But each day was a challenge; Matt did his best, but each week some died. It made Belle uneasy, and Matt doubted his abilities. It was a hard period for them both, and when only one pregnant specimen was left, they both were overly stressed.

~ 6 ~

"Belle… Belle! Oh my God, Belle, it’s happening!"

Matt’s screams woke up Belle from her nap. It was 2am and she ran like mad to where Matt was. He was in the control room, watching the cell in which the last specimen was, and…

"God, Matt! She’s giving birth!"

"Should we do something?"

"No… no, we are not supposed to interfere. Let’s hope they both can make it."

About ten hours later a proud wolf mother was taking care of her baby. Due to the mix of wolf and waran komodo, the baby was much bigger than any wolf cub would be. It could cause complications, but at least they had this on camera. Even if the baby or the mother died eventually… There was proof that Matt managed something great. And hopefully, that would be enough.

Weeks turned into months as Matt watched over his little project. He was doing great, and Belle truly believed he could start a line of AI scientists. He was learning so fast and he managed to convert this into critical thinking demanded from a scientist. The results they were achieving were presented to the board and they were pleased with Belle’s work. She couldn’t be happier… even if she missed her ex-husband, Matt filled the void in her heart.

Board said they can’t show anyone in the public eye any information yet. They needed the hybrid to grow more, and Belle agreed. Even if she worried about the future, it’s been a while and it’s been working quite well. The hybrid that they called ‘wolfan’ was doing well. Its mother managed to feed him, and Matt introduced proper food to the creature recently.

It looked terrifying to Belle, but what could expect from such a weird combination? The creature was definitely bigger and had a shape of waran - or perhaps, something between waran and wolf. Almost like a dragon from a fairytale… but it was a creature covered in fur and its “face” resembled a wolf's snout. Belle wouldn’t want this kind of creation to roam the world, but she didn’t make rules, and if anything: the record of the process and all the things her and Matt learned would allow people more helpful hybrid creations in near future. That’s how she explained the situation to herself when she had a hard time falling asleep at night…

~ 7 ~

Wolfan’s development was going at a fast rate. Within just a couple months the creature grew almost as big as its mother. One fatal Thursday as Matt went to check up on the creature (as he has done before many times without an issue), the creature jumped its mother and… murdered it. Then the hybrid began to feed on its own mother.

Perhaps, any other sort of situation wouldn’t shock Matt. He had a very basic moral system programmed after all. However, his relationship with Belle was very much so one of a mother and son, and he learned habits, feelings, and morals more than having them programmed into him. So Matt just watched the creature feed itself in shock, as Belle yelled in the speakers for him to get out.

Finally, he managed to move. He ran for the door and as he opened it, wolfan jumped him and bit his leg. He screamed in pain, and Belle instinctively ran to get him out. But it was too late, way too late, and Belle made the biggest mistake in her whole life…

As she tries to get Matt out, the creature has already bit off his whole leg. It was an AI, and wires and metal scraps weren’t a dream dinner for it. So it moved swiftly forward, jumping another victim he has seen in close proximity: Belle. She saw wolfan way too late, and didn’t manage to dodge that jump.

Belle screamed and fought a good couple of minutes, but the creature they created was too strong. Nobody heard her, or perhaps, nobody wanted to come to her rescue. Not before long, she found her fatal end: being murdered by the creature she helped bring to life.


As painful as divorcing Belle was, Matthew has found his happiness with a woman called Crystal. She was a painter, and happily settled down for commission work and being a mom, given Matthew’s position and paycheck. Now, every Sunday he was served a toast, while his daughter complained about school and her friends before running off to her room.

As she did, Crystal sat down right across Matthew, obviously wanting to talk about something.

"What is it, Crystie?" - he asked as he took a sip of his coffee.

"I heard something… well, read online actually. About… Hapa Corp."

"Oh… "- Matthew shared his past with Crystal, but never imagined her bringing this up like that. - "What about it?"

"Their laboratory in Japan… burned down."

"What?" - Matthew drew pale and Crystal reached to hold his hand. - "How is this possible? Was it an attack?"

"They don’t know. But they do presume all the scientists… dead."

"Dear god…"

Matthew was long past his relationship with Belle. It was non-existent the moment she flew over there, truly. But to hear someone he cared for so much in the past was now simply… gone, most likely… It shattered him.


He couldn’t help but check the news for himself and it was real. No survivors and no idea what has happened. With all the weird stuff going on there he refused to believe that was the truth. His heart told him this was a cover-up… But he had no evidence.

Matthew spent weeks trying to find any info, but eventually, he gave up. He had a family now, and either way, Belle was gone. His ‘finding the truth’ quest won’t help anyone, anyway. So he taught himself to forget about it, and soon enough he did. A few years later he wouldn’t even notice that he made contracts with corporations connected to Hapa Corp.


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