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You Changed Me

Writer's picture: angeladefrostangeladefrost

Friday night was most enjoyable with a book, and occasionally listening to my roommates’ ramblings. This time was a bit different, though, as we were going on a fishing trip the next day. It wasn’t my favorite way of spending the weekend, but I was happy to hang out with my friends.

“Dave said he found some cool story again. Perfect for a long drive.” May said that ao nonchalantly. As if Dave wasn’t known for his creepy, spooky stories. The kind of stories that ruin the whole drive.

“Not. Again.” I murmured, closing the book. “Knowing that, makes me not want to go on that fishing trip.”

May blinked, then laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous, Lisa. It’s just a story. Stop being so dramatic about it.”

“It’s Dave. You know he won’t shut up about it until we all know all the details by heart. It’s just… annoying. All fun outings get ruined because Richard has to bring his best friend, too.” 

May didn’t like this response, I could see it in her eyes. She clicked her tongue, too. But she certainly didn’t tell me what she was thinking.

“I think Dave is into you, Lisa. He’s just trying to get your attention. That’s why he always talks to you so much.” May winked at me, but I could only look at her with my mouth open. “You’re so oblivious, seriously! You should, you know. Have some fun with him!”

“Don’t even joke like that, May – “

May only laughed again and left the room. Suddenly, I regretted ever agreeing to go on that fishing trip. Was this all one big trap? A way to get me to… no way, this would be too messed up. Even for my weird friends.

And even if Dave is into me, he is not going about it the right way. Why would saying his creepy stories convince anyone to go out with him?

I was tempted to fake sickness or think of… something, anything to get out of this trip. I had a bad feeling about it. But… they were my friends. Obviously, they would never hurt me in any way… right?


When I got in the car I made sure to be in the back, with May. Somehow, it bothered everyone, but I didn’t care. After learning Dave has hots with me, I didn’t want to be too close to that idiot. Rejecting him while on this trip would be so awkward… Especially since everyone seemed to think we would be a great pair. As if!

Things seemed to be fine at first. I even hoped that my worries were, well, irrational. That was until our first stop. Once we were back in the car, Dave and May switched their seats so now I was next to him. Not good. But I didn’t make too big a deal out of it.

We were halfway there, so soon I’ll be able to get out of the car.

I decided to focus on my reading, however, the inevitable happened. Dave felt the urge to tell one of his stories, and… more than just tell the story, tell it specifically to me. Not that others wouldn’t be able to hear him in this cramped car, but his focus was obvious.

“Have you ever heard of Rusalka, Lisa?” Dave said quietly, as he moved even closer to me. Honestly, I felt trapped. I had to listen to another horror story, whether I wanted it or not.

“Hmm? Ru – what?” I decided to bite the bullet. Maybe this one won’t be just spooky, maybe it will be interesting, too.

“Rusalka.” He repeated. “It’s a Slavic legend… well, there are many different ideas of what those creatures could be, but there is one that is quite… disturbing.”

I noticed May looking over at us, and I tried to beg her with my eyes to help me.

“Disturbing? How so?” May only encouraged him further, unfortunately.

“So, in medieval times people believed a Rusalka is a woman who dies before she gets married. After their death, they turn into vengeful creatures, hurt by the injustice of the world. How they were not even able to live their life fully….”

Getting married is not everyone’s dream. But I can understand that if we’re talking about medieval times… yeah, I suppose most women did get married back then.

“So, a Rusalka is a monster?” I asked, as the story indeed intrigued me. “So… how do they look? What happens to them?”

“Easy, Lisa.” Dave chuckled. “They say, Rusalka will appear to be a beautiful woman. These creatures always live near a lake or a river. Imagine a beautiful, naked woman standing in the lake…”

“Sounds like one of your naughty dreams, dude.” Chris, who was driving, interrupted. “What’s next, will she pull you into the lake for some fun?”

“If you find drowning fun, yes.” Dave retorted.

“They remind me of sirens.” May added. “Do they sing, too?”

“I… haven’t found any information about them singing. But I suppose tales about sirens are similar… so, maybe? There wasn’t much info when I was looking up this story.It seemed like a niche project.”

“Or maybe you don’t know how to do your research.” I commented, and Dave did not like hearing that. But, he didn’t say anything about it. Maybe I was being a little mean, but if he 

wants to spook us with that story, shouldn’t he get all the details?

“There is something extra I found, though.” Dave added after a moment.

“There is?”

“It seemed… sadder than a typical spooky story. But I can tell you.”

Once more, my interest was piqued. “Yeah, come on. What did you find?”

“There was another theory how Rusalka came to be.” He paused. “Some people would connect this myth with unhappy women committing suicide by drowning, too.”

“Unhappy?!” I said a little loudly, perhaps. “If you go as far as to take your own life, you’re more than unhappy… They probably were hurt or forced or –”

Dave sighed. “Let’s not talk about depressing subjects, shall we? That’s exactly why I don’t like this part of the myth.”

Dave was saying that almost nonchalantly. It bothered me, but everyone else ignored it. Soon, other topics became the focus of the conversation, and I felt his arm around me. I didn’t like it, not one bit, but I didn’t know what to do anymore.

I should have never come here. I thought I could trust May, but… 


It seemed almost insulting how beautiful the moon looked tonight. After all that happened to me… why is the world so precious, still? Where it felt that I lost… so much.

I wished I could have gone back to the cabin to escape this world. Curl up and cry in the corner somewhere, but… those cabins were not safe for me anymore. And I had to be as far as I could be. As far as I could be from Dave.

I should have trusted my instincts. He truly was a bad person. A cruel. The most terrible creature I have ever met.

I don’t know how he even got in, and…

I didn’t scream, I didn’t do anything. Nobody would believe me…

I heard of cases like this. They would never believe me. Never.

I don’t even know why I didn’t react. I was so scared. I just… froze. It seemed like it would hurt more if I fought. He kept saying he loved me but he was hurting me so badly. Trying to convince me to like it, even when I told him I didn’t. There is no way this was love. Dave does not know what love even is.

So I kept walking, unsure where I was trying to get to… it was so dark and so cold outside. After all, I only had a nightgown on. But I was able to ignore it, getting deeper and deeper into the forest. Then, I heard something… A… screech?

Not like an animal, or even a human. It made me think of the legend Dave spoke about. We are close to the lake, after all… I quickly shook my head, realizing how crazy that idea sounded.

I don’t even know how I ended up on that side of the lake. That… hidden, overgrown coast. Beautiful flowers, tall trees, and the silence I’ve never experienced before. I felt… at peace.

Everything was… serene.

And as my heart calmed, that was when I saw her. I froze. A beautiful, naked woman? She was right there. A real Rusalka. Who would ever thought I would meet her… But… now I am in trouble, right? Will she… kill me?

I wanted to run but just like when Dave assaulted me, I simply froze.

You came to me.” Her voice was like a hushed whisper. Suddenly, her face turned to one of anger. “I know what he did. And I know you feel hopeless. But if you trust me, I can help you.”

“Help… me?” I said quietly, not understanding what was happening. 

“I was like you, a long, long time ago.” The woman said. “My husband forced himself on me every night. I… couldn’t take it. He considered me his property. And there was no way for me to have any freedom, no.”

“Oh, God, I am so sorry, I…”

“Don’t worry, dear.” The woman smiled. “I wanted him to pay the ultimate price, but I was just a woman. The lake, though, the lake… freed me.”

“Freed you? How?”

“It gave me the strength to make my husband atone for his cruelty. The price is high, indeed, but it’s the only way for us to get true justice. After all, nobody ever listens to us, women.” She paused. “Don’t you agree?”

I nodded but said no word.

I knew exactly what she was suggesting.

It was… terrifying.

But also, enchanting. In its own, weird way.

I held her hand as I stepped into the lake. Cold water enveloped me. Deeper and deeper…

“You’re bleeding?” The woman asked empathetically. Now, that I entered the lake I noticed it, too… I guess I didn’t feel the pain before. I was too focused on getting away from that cabin.

“I, I suppose, so…”

“You poor thing. We’ll make sure he bleeds, too.”

That was her promise as she led me deeper into the lake. I was scared and part of me wanted to run, but… my new friend held me tightly. I made my choice and there was no going back anymore…


I don’t know if my friends even realized what happened. How would they know what Dave did, anyway? They all would just think I disappeared… But truly, I was waiting in excitement for the night to come.

Dula, the Rusalka who rescued me, taught me so much in such a short time. She also taught me a beautiful song. A song to lead Dave to us, so we can ensure justice is served.

That night, I sang so beautifully. I sang until Dave came to our corner of the lake… and when he did, I deeply enjoyed the shock on his face.

“L…Li…sa…?” His voice trembled, but my name was all that he could say. He was frozen, fear clearly visible on his face. Oh, how the tables have turned.

My nails turned to claws as I pulled him into the lake. I wasn’t gentle, so the scratches I left on his body already bled a little. After all, he deserved it.

He began screaming, calling for help, but I didn’t let him do that for long. Me and Dula scratched him up good, before pulling him further into the lake with us. Taking him to the very center of the lake, where we enacted our revenge upon him.

Not just on Dave and his cruel actions. On men as a whole for their privileged lives. For how they created the world that takes advantage of us, women. The world could not change fast enough, and we deserved to do this. Yes, yes, we did.

“Finally, I have a sister.” Dula said as we were done. She played with my hair and held me close while I tried to calm down.

This didn’t satisfy my need for justice, but Dula whispered to me of many other chances for us to do it again and again and again…


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