This seemed as just another casual afternoon for Coleen. She was happily strolling down the street wearing her usual blue top and yellow shorts, ready to meet up with friends after a few hours of classes. She loved her major but studying was still studying, and Coleen was happy for a chance to unwind after a long week.
She stood by the pedestrian crossing and she noticed, right next to her, quite a peculiar girl:
she looked as if she was painted white. Her hair and her skin were perfectly white, but her eyes were deep red… so was her dress. She never saw someone like her…
-Oh, wow! – Coleen couldn’t help herself, she was in shock. But she quickly realized how rude that must have sounded and covered her mouth. – I-I am sorry! I didn’t mean to –
-I’m used to it.
The peculiar girl didn’t even look at her and her voice was deep and… scary in a way. Is she in bad mood? Coleen didn’t want to interrupt her and realized the light just turned green. Without looking she almost tried to run through it, but then a sharp pain pulled her back. That weird girl pulled her back – by pulling on her hair!
-Hey, what-!
As she tried to ask angrily, Coleen noticed a car passing through the crossing. The girl looked straight into Coleen’s eyes, and the blue-haired student was amazed. How did this happen? That girl just saved her life!
-…thank you.
Coleen barely whispered, still shocked by all that has happened. The red-eyed stranger just shrugged and before Coleen could stop her, she disappeared. She was still unsure of what exactly happened…