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NSFW sample

Writer's picture: angeladefrostangeladefrost

A lonely succubus named Daeva is sick of her life in the depths of hell, amongst other demons. She is sick and hungry for sexual energy as she wasn't able to fill up on it for so long. With no close friends or family down there, she decides to see what's going in the mortals' world.

the chapter consists of:

> Daeva arrives in the mortal world and stumbles upon Michael

> Couple of choices which may put them on a date if done right

> date + another choice + possible intercourse

The story will have an intro about Daeva to have an insight into her, but will then move onto telling the story through Michael's eyes.


#daeva: neutral emotion #

D: Life of a demon is a long one, sometimes even eternal, and we should find ways to entertain ourselves, even more so than mortals do.

D: And yet, my kind lives the most pointless lives, just like mortals they make fun of… they waste the time they were given. Focusing on the simplest pleasures, no goals, dreams or plans, nothing even remotely challenging… or interesting, really.

D: Since I was always bored whenever I spend time with other demons, I soon left many social circles or cliques, and before I noticed, I was all alone.

D: And the more people I pushed away, the lonelier I have become.. and hungrier.

#daeva: sad emotion #

D: A succubus like myself feeds off sexual energy, and if I destroy the bonds and don't build new ones, of course, I'm going to lack said energy!

D: It's not like I planned not to build new relationships… I did, I honestly did…

D: After all, it's quite common for demons to just… feed off each other.

D: It can be a healthy relationship if both parties want it.

#daeva: angry emotion #

D: But I don't want to be part of this… ugh, idiocy!

D: None of them have any ambitions whatsoever!

D: Not even one of them!

D: Especially the incubi… lazy, idiotic males.

#daeva: neutral #

D: I'm sick of this world full of men who are too comfortable to wish for more.

D: And I want to see what type of men I can meet in the mortal world.

D: I'm not planning to stay there for too long, of course…

D: Let's call it a vacation… a little trip to rejuvenate me.

# end of prologue #

# moving onto proper first chapter #

# from this moment on there will be an additional speaker - the narrator, or rather, Michael's thoughts. They will appear without a name.

It has been another dull day after another.

Stuck in college, this tedious job at the local bookstore was the only way to get by. Hopefully, once I am out of college, I will be able to get something better.

I couldn't wait to get my papers and put the skills I have learned to use. Couldn't wait for something more challenging, something else than this easy, but boring job.

When I was lost in my thoughts, I heard the bell.

What a rarity. Does someone want to buy books or comics?

Maybe it's kids again. They come here to look, of course, but never to buy.

Where would the kids find money to buy all those comics anyway?

But as I look from the counter towards the door…

# Michael: blush #

#daeva's portrait shows up, human form, grinning #

I see a beautiful young woman walking towards me.

M: Oh, man… Impossible…

I never had enough luck to meet any girls, and there she was, walking into the store I work at! With no other clients around...

That's quite peculiar. I'd never expected this! Almost seems like a dream, in a way.

After all, the clients here were usually teenage girls, shy young women, not walking bombshells like her!

Ah… What do I do?

Should I try talking to her?

Or would this be too inappropriate… she could be just browsing. Not everyone enjoys shop clerks talking to them.

# choice is here #

# choice A - talk to her - gives a point #

As my friends say, I will stay a virgin forever if I never talk to girls!

This one looks like she's so out of my league, too… but there's no harm in trying.

#Michael - emotion neutral #

The beautiful young woman stopped by the shelf conveniently close to my desk.

She didn't even look at me, but I felt like it gave me the needed push to talk with her.

I gathered up my courage and left my desk, walking towards the beautiful stranger.

M: Uhm… Ah, welcome to the store, Miss.

#daeva: surprised, fades to smile #

D: ...ah, do you run this shop, perhaps?

M: I, well, not that I own it, but I work here, yes.

D: How lovely!

D: They usually don't come up to help their clients in those kinds of shops, do they?

D: Yet, you did…

#daeva : neutral #

It was hard to tell whether that was good or not, but I hoped it was good.

M: Ahaha, I just thought you might want my help.

D: Indeed…

We continue to chit chat like this, and I'm surprised how easily the conversation goes.

I believe this could not be the truth, but it feels as if… Did I meet my second half? My soulmate?

I better don't say it out loud, it sounds… lame, and cringe as heck. But I feel with her as I have never felt with another woman.

#jump to after choice 01 #

#choice B - wait for her to talk first - no point #

I shouldn't approach her…

She may find it rude or insulting

Some people come here to relax and browse the titles.

I shouldn't interrupt her day just because I think she's sexy.

I notice her come close to my desk, stopping by one of the shelves, filled with the most popular titles.

That is a perfect opportunity to say something.

And while I would hope she did it on purpose, I fear she did not.

She might be just interested in the newest releases, after all.

I try not to let her notice me staring, but suddenly, she is the one staring at me.

#Michael blush, Daeva, neutral #

D:So you're not going even to say hello?

M: H-Huh!? W-Wha… Uh… You're talking to me, Miss?

D: Well, who else?

D: This shop seems rather empty, doesn't it?

M: Ahaha… I guess… it does…

So even if I didn't want to, I was pulled into a conversation with her.

#both smiles #

It was awkward at first, but it became casual as time passed.

#jump to after choice 01 #

#after choice 01 #

#same place, both with neutral expressions #

Our chat became more fun as the minutes passed.

Somehow, she was quite easy to talk to, despite my natural awkwardness and shyness.

Talking with her, I didn't feel shy at all.

Did she seem interested in me?

Kind of, actually. She would return the flirtatious remarks I would make at her or make her own, she would play with her hair or wink at me now and again.

She seemed to be on the same page as me, but…

I knew I shouldn't just assume what she might be feeling.

At the same time, what would it hurt to ask her out for coffee?

I finish in an hour, and there's a coffee shop nearby.

Surely, she could find the time, right?

#second choice #

#choice A - invite her for coffee > point

#both neutral #

We are having a nice conversation, and I'm finishing my work soon, so it's natural to ask her out.

But then I realized that I didn't even ask her name!

How… how rude of me!

#Michael : worried #

M: Ah, I think I never asked what your name is… I'm sorry!

M: I-I'm Michael.

#dave: smiles #

D: Haha, that's okay, Michael!

D: My name is Daeva!

M: Daeva? That's quite an unusual name.

D: Well, I'm not from around here, so I guess it seems uncommon for you.

D: But it's just a regular name where I came from.

M: Is that so?

#Michael: blush #

M: Well, then Daeva -

D: Yes, Michael?

M: Would you like to go out for a coffee with me?

M: I finish my shift in less than an hour, and there's a lovely cafe nearby.

D: Oh, so you want me to wait for you, eh?

M: I-I mean if that's not a problem -

D: Come on, I was joking! Sure. It sounds like fun.

Man, she said yes!

#Michael:happy #

M: Great!

I couldn't believe my luck.

She wanted to have coffee with me!

I cannot ruin this opportunity!

Maybe it was a fated meeting…

#jump to date #

#choice B - don't say a word > no point

#d: smiles #

I just met her.

This is not some stupid tv drama or romantic comedy.

It's is real life… you can't just invite a stranger on a date.

I don't know a single thing about her… I don't even know her name!

Man, I am terrible at this…

D: So, what's your name, bookstore boy?

#m: surprised #

M: Ah, sorry, I-I… it's Michael.

D: Michael? I'm Daeva.

#m: worried #

M: Daeva? Huh… interesting...

M: I never heard a name like this…

D: Maybe you need to get out more, then?

M: Huh? Oh… Haha… Maybe…

D: So, you're going to take me out somewhere or what?

#m: blush #

What? Did she ask me to take her out?

That girl is something else!

There is no way I could say no to this.

But I still had to finish work first.

M: Well, uhm… I still need to finish my shift here, but there is a lovely cafe nearby if you would like a cup of coffee, and maybe a slice of cake.

D: Great! I will wait for you there!

M: What? Oh… She's gone…

#jump to date #

# a new bg, simple cafe background during the day #

#Michael : neutral #

#daeva: smiling #

# possibly new outfit for Michael if he had “work outfit” #

#just Michael's portrait #

There is no reason to be nervous.

It's just Daeva and me having a lovely conversation.

I'll buy her some coffee, some cake and hopefully will get her digits.

Oh gosh, I have to get her digits!

A chance she will stumble again in the bookstore…

To be honest, if she doesn't give me her number, she will most likely never come to the store again.

Let's be on my best behavior, and try to avoid any awkward moments, if possible.

I shouldn't act out anything… I should try to be myself.

After all, if she doesn't like that, acting out a different personality won't work for long anyway.

I take a deep breath and look around.

Daeva sits in the corner of the room, how convenient, once again.

She was looking at her phone, but she noticed me immediately and waved at me.

#Michael: smiles #

I waved back and came up to her.

#daeva’s portrait shows up # #smiling #

D: There you are.

M: Sorry, just got out of work.

#m: neutral #

M: The other guy was a bit late.

#daeva neutral #

D: Aww, that's not nice of him!

M: I mean, things happened. We all are a bit late from time to time.

D: Maybe, but still. You had a pretty lady waiting on you. You wouldn't want to be late for that, hmm?

#Michael: blush #

M: Haha, of course not. That's why I came over as soon as I could.

D: Good answer.

We both chuckled. Our further conversation was going as good as before.

As we continued to talk, I felt more and more as my fate finally smiled upon me.

Not only was she beautiful and such a sexy woman, but she was also funny and smart.

Sometimes she said things that sounded a bit weird, almost as if she was out of touch with reality, but we all have those moments.

Therefore, I didn't pay much attention to this.

I couldn't find a single flaw in her, and I know my friends would say that means she is the devil, but honestly…

If we date for a little longer, I will learn of her bad habits or things she does that would annoy me.

But if you would find those on the first date, I think you need to run.

So I relaxed, enjoyed our conversation, and as I planned, I was myself to the fullest.

Now and again, I would feel her soft fingers touching my skin.

It was… exciting, and I wanted to return this feeling to her, but at the same time, I wasn't sure of it.

#third choice #

#choice A - intertwine your fingers with hers # point, no scene

Maybe just a little touch?

I don't want to seem as too forward, or like a guy that wants only one thing…

I mean, it would be great to spend a night with her, but I don't think I would be happy with just one night.

So I don't want to play it the wrong way.

With my heart beating a little too fast, I reached out for her hand…

And softly held it, my fingers intertwining with hers.

She looked at me a bit surprised but then chuckled.

Ah, her laugh was so sweet…

We smiled at each other for a second before I let go of her hand, and we got back to our conversation.

I felt that maybe it was like nothing, just a little gesture, but soon after we let go of our hands, I felt her feet softly touching my leg.

I felt I showed her my interest and that she was just as interested with me.

# jump here, depending on the amount of points #

#jump to Daeva walks away if 0-1 point #

#jump to Daeva invites herself in if 2-3 points #

#choice B - do not touch her at all # no point

That is not how a gentleman should act.

I should take the time to learn who she is, and where is she from, what she likes and what she hates.

Invite her for a proper date, for a dinner or maybe movies, if she likes that.

Not just, go for it… They say bold guys get more ladies, but this is not what I'm after.

I really want this one girl, not a lot of girls…

D: You still here with me?

M: Huh?

D: You've been spacing out for a while, Michael.

M: Oh, sorry about that.

M: I was thinking about something.

D: Something like…?

M: Huh?

D: I'm just curious what you were thinking about.

Unknown: More coffee?

The waitress saved me.

I need to be more careful.

I cannot make her feel like I'm not here, or like I'm bored or something…

Thankfully, after we got more coffee, Daeva moved on from the topic, and we returned to our regular chatter.

# jump here, depending on the amount of points #

#jump to Daeva walks away if 0-1 point #

#jump to Daeva invites herself in if 2-3 points #

#choice C - reach to touch her side/waist # point and scene

This is the stuff guys do to get girls, isn't it?

Touching her hand or reaching around to hold around her waist…

Touching her knee would probably be too much.

I don't think I'm bold enough to do that anyway.

But to touch her side or hold around her… I could do that.

Amidst all the chit-chatting, I gather my courage and do hold around her, softly touching her waist.

I look at her, wondering how will she react, but she smiles and comes closer.

It excites me to be so close to her.

We continue to flirt and chat, and coffee and cake are not important anymore.

They are barely touched, in all honesty.

Not even the waitress comes over to us. I think she knows what's going on…

Probably more than I do.

Suddenly, Daeva seems to look around, and I'm wondering what's the problem.

M: Are you looking for the restrooms?

D: ...ah, that could be, yes.

The way she answered was a little bit weird, but again, we all are weird in one way or another.

M: Let me show you then.

D: Perfect!

We get up from our table, and I lead her to where the restrooms are.

We stand right in front of it, and I expect her to walk in any moment, but instead, she grabs my hand and pulls me in with her!

#change of background > cafe bathroom #

#m: surprised / blushing #

# d: grinning #

#possibly could use CGs for the whole scene here #

# jumps between non-adult and adult versions #

#non-adult # those are always shorter #

Never in my wildest dreams, I would imagine a woman like Daeva to pull me into a female's bathroom, lock the door, and pull me so close.

But here we are, in each other's embrace and there's nothing else on my mind but her.

The excitement levels went through the roof.

I knew she could tell just how excited I have gotten, and she definitely liked it.

It looked like she enjoyed this little scene; more than one would think she would.

There was no talking. Kissing, touching, gasping, but no talking.

I didn't wait for an invitation.

Kissing her back, my hands were reaching all the sensitive areas they could find.

We were still in public, so we had to keep quiet, and we couldn't just drop clothes to the floor, but we found a way around that anyway.

Daeva moaned quietly here and there, but I'm pretty sure nobody noticed, or at least, nobody acted on it, nobody tried to get to the restroom… it was just her and me.

I have no idea how long the blissful moments have lasted but long enough to make the happiest man on earth.

#this one option automatically gives the player the later interaction with Daeva so jump to Dave invites herself #

#adult version #

#same bg of the cafe restroom usually starts off with the same cg as in non-adult version #

I didn't think much when I felt her grab my hand and just followed her inside the room.

Was it right to lock ourselves in the public restroom?

I mean, I never did it, never even thought about it… It seemed to be a thing they do in the shows, books, often porn, but not an actual thing you would do in real life.

On top of doing it with a stranger!

But there we were, so close to each other.

Daeva embraced me, and my excitement increased greatly.

Such a beautiful woman wanting me this badly?

I will make the most of it, and I will show her why this should be only the beginning of our relationship…

With our faces so close to each other, I lean in and kiss her sweet lips.

I have kissed before, but none of those kisses tasted as sweet as this one.

My hand softly cupped her cheek, and I closed my eyes as I slowly deepened the kiss.

As we kissed, I felt her soft hands going down to my pants and unzipping them before she pulled them down.

Oh, she was serious about this…!

Before she even got to touch my boxers, my manhood was so ready for her.

I never broke the kiss, only reached to pull up her top, revealing her soft breast, his eyes caught a glimpse of her nipples. My kisses moved to her neck as I played with them, while her soft hands pulled down my boxers, revealing my throbbing member to her.

I was ready to get rid of more of her clothes, to see just how beautiful she is, but of course, Daeva had her plan, and even if I acted upon my desires, I couldn't deny that she was the one leading in this situation. But, who cares?

She kneeled right in front of me, in this small space, and I loved every second of it.

#new cg #

With her breast still on display, she began rubbing my thick member, while I played with her hair. Almost as if reading my mind, she began kissing and licking it precisely the way I wished she would and swiftly wrapped her lips around it. I bit on my lip not to let out a moan, as she was sucking me, while still looking straight in my eyes, making all of this even more exciting than it already was!

Not having a partner for past couple months and on top of doing something like this in a cafe's restroom, made me incredibly aroused. My hard member was throbbing in her mouth, and I knew that Daeva was aware of that, as she was teasing and playing with me as much as she possibly could. Swallowing most of my manhood, teasing me with her tongue, sometimes even touching my testicles to entice me even more. I wanted to cum more than ever, but even more so I wanted to experience more of her. I wanted to feel her soft body… And at this rate, I would just fill her sweet mouth. Which, of course, would be great as well, but…

I tried to move a little to show her what I want. But as much as I tried, Daeva didn't give me a way out. She desired my seed shooting deep down her throat and although I wanted more than just this, at the same time, who was I to refuse her?

There was no escaping it… I was getting closer and closer to my orgasm, and soon, I wouldn't be able to hold it back. Was there a point in holding back? She wanted it. And so, I held her head tightly, and pushed deep down her throat, making her swallow my whole member while I ejaculated… giving her all the semen I had in me. Daeva held onto me, she didn't seem to pull back or anything, but obediently swallowing every drop I had for her.

#new cg #

It felt amazing. It wasn't the first time someone gave me a blowjob, but it was definitely the best. When I was done I softly pulled back, as I watched Daeva swallow the last bits of my cum. She even licked my member clean, making me gasp a few times… what a lovely girl she was.

After this, there was no way I would let her go; that's for sure.

# out of cg #

#daeva portrait: grin, Michael's portrait: blush #

M: Huh, well… That's -

D: We shouldn't stay here too long, like this.

D: We can talk later, you know.

M: A-ah, of course…

We quickly get ourselves dressed and proper again. I couldn't believe that she was so calm in a situation like this!

#this one option automatically gives the player the later interaction with Daeva so jump to Dave invites herself #

#daeva walks away#

# cafe background still #

#daeva neutral, Michael: worried #

Even though it seemed to start quite well, as time passed the atmosphere was getting worse and worse. I wasn't sure why or what may have happened, or what I have done wrong. But topics to talk about run out, coffee was drunk and cakes were eaten. It seemed like there was nothing else to do but to say goodbyes to ourselves.

But, I didn't even ask for her number, and god forbid I couldn't! No… this would be way too embarrassing if she didn't want to give it to me. I was way too awkward even to try to ask her. I know if I didn't, I probably would never see her again, but… I couldn't push myself to ask her. Just couldn't!

D: I think it's time for me to go.

M: Ah… it's getting a bit late, now.

D; A little bit, yes.

D: Michael -

M: Yes?

D: Do you… Do you work in that bookstore every day?

M; Oh… I do work from Monday to Friday in the afternoons, but weekends I have free. You know, as in most jobs, haha…

D: Oh! Right, right… well, then, maybe I will see you there again?

M: Ah… if you stop by, there's a chance you will, yes!

Our last conversation was awkward, but… it gave me hope I will see her again.

#end of chapter 1 #

#daeva invites herself in #

#still cafe background, they are still both in the cafe, by the table #

D: It's getting a little late.

Our conversation was going great and smooth, so I honestly didn't notice a flow of time. But it was surely getting late, especially that I did not finish my work too early either. But, I didn't even have her phone number or anything. I didn't want her to disappear from my life…

#daeva, michael: neutral #

M: Ah, yeah, I guess it is.

M: We could always change locations, maybe go to a bar or something?

D: A bar? No…

D: Let's go to your place.

M: W-What?! My… You mean… ugh…

D: You don't want to…?

#daeva : sad # #michael : worried #

M: That's not it, you see… I live in a tiny studio apartment, not sure if that's exactly -

D: Oh, come on! That's not important.

#daeva: happy #

D: What's important is that we both want to hang out together, isn't it?

Honestly, I was just a bit worried to show her my apartment. She's a pretty girl, and I wanted to impress her. But my flat wasn't very impressive... And my place was still a bit of a mess; after all, I didn't expect a pretty girl to visit, so I didn't clean more than necessary for myself.

I bet she will understand. And I hope she wants to do a little bit more than just… hangout.

M: Alright, sure, you're right. Let's go.

#fade to black #

#fade into the apartment bg #

#daeva :and Michael: neutral #

D; Ah, it is slightly small, but that's not a problem!

M: I'm glad to hear so…

D: Especially for what we are about to do…

M: Oh? What do you mean…

Daeva grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bed. She didn't care to move the covers or anything like that, just threw me on the bed and climbed over me. Before I knew it, she got rid of my clothes and undressed, and we had nothing but our underwear on.

#new cg #

M: Huh, you sure know what you want, don't you?

D: Of course I do.

Daeva moved a little bit back and pulled off my boxers, revealing my member. She played with it a little bit, before leaning in and kissing the tip. I gasped, almost moaned, but this didn't last long… she wanted more.

#new cg #

Daeva took off her panties and climbed on top of me once again, but this time, she aimed very carefully. I moaned out as her wet maidenhood slowly welcomed me; she felt so tight and so good… I wanted to pull her down quicker, but at the same time, the slow, almost painful pace she chose gave me so much excitement.

So I let her do this the way she wanted to do it.

D: Wow, aren't you a big one, Michael?

M: Heh, just for you.

I felt a bit cocky, that's true, but how was I not too feel cocky when a beautiful woman compliments me like this? When I could feel myself fully inside her, I rested my hands on her hips, ready to control the pace, but Daeva wasn't having it.

D: I'm going to show you the most excellent night of your life, sweetie.

She promised, and I was quite surprised, to be honest. I have never met such a confident woman and one that would lead not just in general, but in bed, too. Some women try to do that, but not many of them go all the way as Daeva did. That excited me just so much more.

M: Huh, alright, show me what you've got.

I grinned at her and moved my arms back, relaxing my body as she began moving her hips. As soon as she has, I started moaning; this was heaven. Her movements felt like magic. She definitely knew what she was doing, and she was driving me crazy with all of this… Not just moving up and down, but around too, different speeds sometimes breaks and sometimes just going crazy! Not to mention sloppy kiss and even her touching my nipples...

Daeva was incredible, but as she began moaning, my excitement grew so much more. I couldn't hold back anymore - I was too aroused. I wanted to give her all that I had in me, every thrust I could muster to bring her pleasure.

M: Sorry, honey, but I have to give you something good, too.

With those words, I grabbed her hips and began thrusting inside her. She was surprised at first, but she grinned and arched her back, letting me do what I wanted to do. And so I did, as I wished, holding onto her tightly and almost making her fly. All my strength and desire, all that I had, I gave her. It drove me so close, but her moans and squeals told me she wasn't far from coming either.

M: Let's come together, Daeva.

D: Hah… alright…

She smiled at me, and we both did our best to bring each other to orgasm. I have never asked her about birth control or anything like this, but it was too late to go back, too late to ask… I knew I was filling her up with my cum. I wanted it, and I felt she wanted it to.

#new cg #

Without another warning, as I felt it coming, I just thrust deep inside and released all that I had in me… her sweet maidenhood gotten even tighter, holding me so much as I did, and I knew she came with me. It was a blissful feeling. Once I was done, I just laid back on the bed, breathing heavily, so tired.. but also, so satisfied.

#out of cg, they both naked/ wearing just underwear #

#daeva smiles # mc: blush #

Daeva smiled at me as she moved to lay next to me.

D: You didn't even ask… what a naughty man you are, Michael.

M: A-Ah… Sorry…

M: Do you need me to get you a day after pill tomorrow?

D: Huh… I don't, but it's nice of you to ask that.

M: It's only fair, isn't it?

D: I guess…

D: Well, I have to run, I'm afraid.

#both neutral #

D: It was really nice to meet you, Michael.

She winked at me and left before I could say a word.

I still haven't gotten her digits.

Was it wrong? To fill her up without asking her?

It probably was, and she doesn't want to see me anymore...

I always screw up like this.

As I sit up, I notice something on my night shelf.

I reach to grab a piece of paper, and I feel so much happier straight away.

#michael - smiles #

Her name and her digits! Together with a note :

"Don't make me wait too long before you call… I know where you work!"

Oh, wasn't she the cutest?

#end of the game #


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